12 October 2023
With Abdulaziz Ahmed Abdulaziz Humanitarian Foundation as official sponsor, the National Prevention of Blindness Committee NPBC launches World Sight Day 2023 on Thursday, October 12. Organized by NPBC in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, this year’s theme is “Love Your Eyes at Work”, bringing awareness to the importance of eye care in the workplace, and encouraging employers to make eye health initiatives standard practice and promote eye health habits that will benefit the well-being, safety and productivity of all workers and employees.
World Sight Day is one of the most important internationally celebrated health days. Observed annually on the second Thursday of October, World Sight Day aims to develop eye health awareness in all members of society. This is the ninth year in a row that AAA Humanitarian Foundation sponsors World Sight Day in the Kingdom, paving its way to achieving one of its major goals, that being combating blindness and visual impairment and providing comprehensive medical eye care as a basic human right.