About Us

نبذة عنا
Abdulaziz Ahmed Abdulaziz Humanitarian Foundation is a charitable, non-profit, development organization that aims to care for the disabled in general and the visually impaired in particular, providing them with medical and vocational rehabilitation services. It supports and promotes humanitarian initiatives and offers scholarships and educational programs for Saudi youths to raise social awareness, develop a spirit of social interaction, and prepare them to contribute to a positive impact on society.
The Foundation was born from the vision of HRH Prince Abdulaziz bin Ahmed bin Abdulaziz and his keen interest in serving sustainable humanitarian and social development in the Kingdom, by establishing programs and projects that help meet the needs of society and solve the problems it faces to contribute to prosperous and improved living conditions for all.
We aim to build close relationships with members of society for continuous development and inspire them to participate in constructive social and cultural activities for the benefit of all.
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Olaya Street – Silicon Building No. 16

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

P.O Box 7947

Riyadh 11472

Our Goals

Combat disabilities, specifically visual disabilities.

Provide social, vocational, and medical therapy and rehabilitation for the disabled and autistic.

Provide scholarships for children of families in need.

Conduct and support research and field studies on disability.

Educate and train youths of families in need.

Support and sponsor events, conferences, and humanitarian initiatives.

Our Proud Partners